In Fall 2015 I was a recipient of the 2015 Native Creative Development Grant from the Longhouse Education and Cultural Center at Evergreen State College Olympia, WA.
My objective for the grant was to create 6 new works, large scale to medium sizes. they were to open a unifying bond between Native landscapes and Nations, to cross paths and parallels that have similarities with one another. As I was new to the Pacific Northwest area in 2015 I wanted this project to be an introduction of my work and myself as a native artist for the community of the PNW. If funded This project would take three months to complete, with a showing of the new work in spring of 2016. I completed 6 New Paintings with the help of the NCD grant and was able to get them done by Spring of 2016 in the Seattle/ Wallingford studio. Although I've since moved from Seattle my year of living there introduced to me an abundance of beauty and a better look and understanding of Coast Salish Artwork and Art from the PNW. I was introduced to many people from the native community of Seattle and neighboring tribes of the PNW, specifically being active in attendance with Daybreak star center and events. Because of my short time in Seattle I was unable to fulfill one entity of the proposal which was to show the work in entirety to the Native Community of Seattle, although I did get to show one piece at the Longhouse 20th anniversary Exhibition in spring 2016, my proposal fell short and changed in regards to evolving. However I did show all the Paintings in entirety in Santa Fe at BlueRain Gallery during August Indian Market, along with fellow BlueRain Artist and Pacific NorthWesterner Preston Singletary, with that pairing of works the exhibition carried a PNW feel and gave thanks and honor to inspiration and communities in Washington but also bringing that community to New Mexico and let all people, non native and native see and experience what inspired us, to an otherwise oblivious community that might not get to travel there. So I feel the project moved forward in a new way but effective way, where more eyes could see what my work was about. I still would like to get the work up to Seattle though and have a show there..
"Divided By the Jungle, Seattle" 56"x 56" oil on Canvas 2016
From 2016 Spring/ Summer works and showing at BlueRain Gallery/ all works inspired by the winter/ spring months of the PNW, this painting reflects on the past and present land Seattle resides on, natural abundance thrived to a new urban landscape where shadows of the past prevail with authenticity. An incident that year consisting of several tents engulfed in flames under I-5 in a homeless encampment known as the "jungle" had me inspired to paint about it in concern about the staggering homeless population and epidemics that rise with it- in the painting you can see branches of cedar wrapping its self around a few areas' igniting a prayer around all that needs it as well as to protect.
"Diving Birds of Green Lake" 48" x 44" Oil on Canvas 2015
As a new resident to the Seattle in 2015 I was searching for new ideas and inspirations for a painting. My work usually conveys movement and colors of various subject matter joining together to create a dynamic forces. I knew I wanted to find something that is of Washington and the Seattle area. Using nature oriented objects and forms in most of my works I wanted to apply the same for what this new piece would be. I went running one afternoon around Green Lake in Seattle and was watching the diving birds that disappear and reappear while in search for food- Diving under the surface and into the depths of the water. I imagined the landscape below the surface with shadowy silhouettes of the diving birds, crossing over one another layered by the lakes aquatic plants. after imagining this scene and seeing these birds once again on Lake Union I decided I would paint this image out as my first painting living here in Seattle. Using Oil paints, my preferred medium in the studio- this painting conveys a feeling of light coming through the surface as the water moves above, the birds in joined movement as they swim underneath the surface in search for food- abstracted plants and forms convey a swift dance taking place below unseen by the passerby above.
"Vashon" 44"x 40" Oil on Canvas 2016
BlueRain Gallery, August Exhibition 2016
"Pacific NorthWest" 48" x 60" Oil on Panel 2016
"Woodland Ballet" 56" x 56" Oil on Canvas 2016
This painting was created with the PacificNorthwest Series, inspired by a meaningful trip to B.C in 2016, I noticed the flower “Fuchsia Ballerina” I was immediately pulled to the intricacy of the flower and awestruck beauty that it permeated. With it’s whimsical pedals moving in rhythm to the wind, I could see how it would be paired to the art of dancing and ballet. I wanted to relay the immediate fascination I shared with it by giving it a life beyond the flower patch and into the eyes and gallery wherever it would be exhibited. I used colors I often don’t gravitate towards, giving it a woodland atmosphere while colors of earth tones and vibrant flower tones with depth give it a feeling of theater in motion.
BlueRain Gallery, August Exhibition 2016
Wallingford Studio, Seattle, WA 2015-16